End of Days
Sumber: jawaban.com

Chord Lagu / 18 October 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

End of Days

Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

End of Days merupakan satu dari dua lagu yang terdapat di album Hillsong Young & Free yang sangat terasa dalam dan kuat dengan atmosfir penyembahan kepada Tuhan. Dengan tempo yang agak sedikit lambat, lagu ini mampu memberi warna tersendiri pada album teranyar produksi Hillsong tersebut. 

Terdapat Pada Album : Hillsong Young & Free

Tahun Rilis : 2013


A = Do


Intro (x2): F#m E  A


Verse 1:

F#m                               E         A

   You came to earth that You created

F#m                                    E           A

   You walked beneath the stars You named

D                                     E         F#m

 You came from heaven holding freedom

D                        E            F#m   

 Jesus Christ, the Lord our God



E                                   F#m           A

 I'm gonna sing until my voice won't let me

E                              D               A

 As thunders roar, I'll shout Your praise


Interlude (x2): F#m E  A


Verse 2:

F#m                          E                   A

   You are the life and wrote Yourself in

F#m                               E       A

   You dwelt in time that You designed

D                      E        F#m

 Creator lived in His creation

D                                  E       F#m

 Completely man, completely God


Chorus 2:

E                                   F#m           A

 I'm gonna sing until my voice won't let me

E                               D          A

 As thunders roar, I'll shout Your praise

E                                 F#m   A

 You're the God of everlasting wonder

E                                D        A

 Your love outlasts the end of days


Bridge (x2):

E                          F#m          A

 I'll lift Your Name higher and higher

E                             D              A

 I'll sing Your praise louder and louder

E                      F#m           A

 Your love goes deeper and deeper

E                  D            A

 You reign forever and ever


Interlude 2 (x2):

E              F#m    A

 Whoa-oh-oh, oh oh!

E                       D       A

Oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh!


*back to Chorus (2)

Instrumental (x2): E   F#m  A     E   D  A

Bridge (x4)

Interlude 2 (x2)

* back to Chorus 2 (x2) – end

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/azy50IQlWaQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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Sumber : ultimate-guitar.com / bm
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